Friday 25 May 2012

Monday 6 February 2012

QB'd - Unity Game Engine

The result of half an hour spent messing around with the Unity Game Engine. The out-of-the-box physics are great! I'm able to run upwards of 1000 cubes at once at a steady 60fps.


The music is just something I knocked up last week. Maybe some glitch would have suited the visuals a little better, but alas, I have none...

Thursday 22 December 2011


Today I discovered a pile of old sketchbooks full of drawings I never got around to scanning in. I decided to take pics of some of the better ones, so they might be preserved digitally in case my house ever burns down (which seems likely when you look at the number of power boards plugged into each other in my study). 

You can click the image for a high-res version.

I thought it was quite interesting to see them this way - you can see the different phases I've been through over time. It's not in exact chronological order, but it's close. Thought I'd share!

Saturday 5 November 2011

Volcano Rush - Explosive New Trailer!

If you thought Michael Bay's trailer for The Run was good, just wait until you see this trailer for my latest games project. It has fast cars and at least 30 explosions. At least...

Friday 28 October 2011

Song of Storms - Music Box style

My brother gave me a music box kit for my birthday, which allows you to make your own melodies. You punch these little holes in a strip of card paper to make the notes, then pull it through the box with a little crank to play it... Which made me a balding musician with a crank-powered musical contraption...

Sort of like this guy. (err, nevermind... The clip has been removed from Youtube.)

At least, that's the first song that came to mind when thinking of something to make for it. So here it is - my first experiment with a music box - The Song of Storms, from Ocarina of Time. I swear it started raining as soon as I was done making this.

Hope you like it! There'll be more coming soon.

Friday 14 October 2011

Being Sirious.

I am very disappoint.

You know what's disappointing? Waiting for months out of contract with a dying old phone, only to find that the "killer device" you've been waiting on is little more than a minor update to last year's tech - and that the competition already released a more powerful phone half a year ago.

Ironically the coolest feature of the device is a piece of software called Siri - but it's also the one that will make you look like the biggest tool as you argue with it over when to schedule your meetings.

Apple, you had a chance to win me over and you blew it, man.

Thursday 18 August 2011

A Blog Post Named Harry

Once upon a time I wrote a short story. It was the result of sitting at the computer and forcing myself to write some filler content for a magazine I was designing, as part of my uni homework at the time.

Well, recently I've had the honour of seeing this story published in a real, actual magazine - a local publication produced by Underground Writers. The story, titled A Dime Named Harry, appears in Issue 7 of Underground, alongside a bunch of other great little samples of prose that I thoroughly recommend checking out!